Bernard PINEAU - H150P20 Falaises Roses

Artist The prices of Bernard PINEAU / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title H150P20 Falaises Roses
Year 2018
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature base
Size of the artwork
28.74 x 21.26 in
73 x 54 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by bpineau
Invoice issued by bpineau
Condition excellent

Inspiré par l'église Sainte Radegonde de Talmont sur Gironde, menacée par la mer qui grignote la falaise.   

Sainte Radegonde menacée et poursuivie par les sbires de son puissant mari, elle voulait devenir religieuse. Un miracle l'a protégée, le miracle du champ d’avoine.

Lot # 2673340
Seller status Professional
Country FRANCE (saint georges de didonne)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 100 km
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 2.0 Kg
Additional information

Frais de port et d'emballage offerts par le vendeur

Starting bid
7,000 €
7,000 € (7,430 $)
7,000 € (6,047 £)
7,000 € (54,211 ¥)
Auction starts on 15 Oct 2023 08:00