How to search

Our search engine explores every corner of our database, whatever the term you enter. Artprice invites you to explore the deepest reaches of its data.

Below, discover how to find an ARTIST, an ARTWORK in past or upcoming auctions, or an UPCOMING AUCTION. For auction records prior to 1987, consult our ARCHIVES.

1. Finding an artist

Search among 823,300 artists by entering the artist’s first and/or last name: our search engine will suggest artists whose names are close to the term entered, even if you misspelled it.

For example, you have a drawing by a Spanish artist and you can only decipher the name 'Rivera':

Start the search with the term 'Rivera'.

This will give 349 matches.
To filter the results, click on the SEE ALL→ link at the right of the 'Artists' section and open the Advanced search: check the exact term box to display only artists who match your search precisely, then select the category Drawing-Watercolor and the country of birth Spain.
This will produce a list of 7 artists who could be the authors of your drawing!

The results are presented to you by relevance, but you can modify the sorting order at any time: either by last name or by first name.
You can modify the display (number of results per page, list or thumbnails…) according to your needs.


  • Some artists can also be searched via their monogram by simply entering the term 'monogram' followed by the monogram used by the artist.
  • If the artist’s name is illegible, but you know at least the first 3 letters of his/her name, use our Artist index.

Once the artist has been identified, you can add them to 'favorites My favorites' and then navigate to their page and see all their available data in the summary on the left.

Test with the free demo

2. Finding an artwork at auction

Search among 16,350,500 Fine Arts and Design auction results from 7,200 auction houses worldwide by entering one or more keywords corresponding to the title of the work you are looking for.
The most frequently searched terms can be searched in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese: our search engine will find the works, regardless of the language in which they were entered.

For example, you are looking for the price of a print by W. Kandinsky titled Blau.
Start the search with the term 'Blau'.

More than 60,000 works match your search.
To refine the results, click on the SEE ALL→ link at the right of the 'Artworks at auction' section and open the Advanced search: select the name of the artist Wassily Kandinsky and the category Print-Multiple.
This will give 90 results.

The results are presented to you by relevance but you can modify the sorting order at your convenience: either by title, creation date, estimate price, size, auction date, lot number or hammer price, etc.
Select the presentation of the information (number of results per page, displayed as a list or as thumbnails) and the units (currencies and units of measurement) according to your needs and habits!

Once the works have been found, you can add them to 'favorites My favorites' and click on each work separately to access detailed information: edition number for multiples, provenance, exhibitions, price with fees for past auctions, link to the complete sale for upcoming auctions, etc.

Only subscribers can access the list of works corresponding to this search.

See our subscriptions

3. Looking for an upcoming auction

In the 'See Auctions' menu, click 'Upcoming Auctions' and access all upcoming auctions listed on Artprice.

For example, if you want to know if an auction will take place soon in the auction house near you, open the Advanced search to filter the name of the auction house in question.

To make it easier to read, you can also modify the sorting order (by title or auction date) and the display (number of sales per page).

Then click on each auction to access all the information on the sale: auction house, time and place, and, above all, the list of works on offer.

Only subscribers can access the list of auctions corresponding to this search.

See our subscriptions

4. Consulting our archives

To allow you to consult records prior to 1987, Artprice has digitized two essential works from its archives so that you can explore them directly on our site.

Mayer auction prices (E. Mayer)
Each edition from 1963 to 1987 has been digitized: select the edition year, your choice of category / medium, then explore each book from page to page.
The Mireur dictionary (H. Mireur)
This 9-volume dictionary lists art auctions hosted in France and abroad during the 18th and 19th centuries. Every volume has been digitized!
Look for the artists in alphabetical order, then leaf through each volume from page to page.

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