Theodora BERNARDINI - Nuit Capiteuse Abstrait

Artist The prices of Theodora BERNARDINI / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Nuit Capiteuse Abstrait
Year 2016
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature lower right
Size of the artwork
11.81 x 11.81 in
30 x 30 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by Theodora
Invoice issued by Theodora

 C'est une forêt d'une prodigieuse exubérance, une promenade inspirée, les délices de la nature végétale et sauvage sont là. L'artiste joue d'une clairière, d'une piste forestière avec ombre et soleil, d'un entrelacement végétal, on devine les arbres, la forêt et ses sortilèges. Elle fouille les mystères de l'ombre, sait jongler avec la lumière, le chatoiement des couleurs, les formes et les rythmes.

On sent le pinceau de l'artiste sur les traces de la feuille, on est émerveillé et oxygéné........

It is a forest of a prodigious exuberance, an inspired walk, the delights of the vegetal and wild nature are there. The artist plays with a clearing, a forest track with shade and sun, a plant interlacing, we can guess the trees, the forest and its spells. She delves into the mysteries of the shadows, knows how to juggle light, the shimmering colors, shapes and rhythms.

We feel the artist's brush on the traces of the leaf, we are amazed and oxygenated ........

Lot # 2673301
Seller status Professional
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 20 km
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Additional information

Cette oeuvre appartient à la Collection

"La Forêt nous parle"

les arbres vus de nuit.....

This work belongs to the Collection

"The Forest speaks to us"

trees seen at night .....

Starting bid
490 €
490 € (520 $)
490 € (423 £)
490 € (3,794 ¥)
Auction starts on 14 Oct 2023 18:00